Guest Post : Hurricane Ivan


Guest Post: Written By M. H Japal

Ivan is a category 4 Hurricane that had devastated Grenada in the year 2004

Hurricane Ivan the destructive one came to take away my land,

he came Tuesday 7th September,

telling me,

I have to surrender,

I said no Jesus is my saviour and I know he’s going to deliver,

I am sure of that because my prayers are always answered.

Monday the news came around,

Television and radio broadcasted it loud

and I knew that day everyone heard.

Some ignored the warning smiling as they go


I know for sure that will get slow

Carrying on as usual without any fear,

While others with concern started to prepare.

G is for God,



That was their statement when they heard the announcements.

Ha,ha,ha some would have laughed

God love his people that will just pass,

Good people we are,

We Grenadians are blessed

But it did not take long before we were in a mess,

Rain started falling,

Wind blowing,

Trees breaking,

Houses flying,

My God look how the neighbors running,

Screaming as they go,

Whoever thought it would have been so.

He attacked us at 12.49am

A category 3,

With winds at 160.

Came with a vengeance to wipe us out completely,

We fought to stay alive even though the battle was not easy,

It seemed as if it will last forever

And begged,

God! Please let it be over.

A mother and her baby we lost

And don’t forget the gentleman’s heart

That collapsed.

When it was all over,

We had a devastated Grenada,

Everyone’s now uniting as one,

For everything we had,

Was gone!

Coping with shattered dreams,

We all sheltered under blue tapolins.

Ivan thought that wasn’t enough,

So he sent ‘Sister Emily’ to finish us off.

July 14th 2005 she came,

Rushing with all her might,

Well this time we were prepared

And took cover so our lives would be spared,

Now after two disasters I can truly say,

God have been good to us regardless of what came our way.

Something for my mother


When I was informed that I was supposed to do something for my mom within ten seconds I’d experienced two conflicting emotions. For the first five I was super excited but by the time the sixth second rolled in I was panicking. It took me two seconds after that ten to actually pull myself together and figure out exactly what I wanted to do – and I found it.

I was going to sing – but then it dawned on me that this would be difficult not because I couldn’t find the perfect song to fit the occasion but because I can’t sing. No seriously I can’t.

A couple years ago I was sitting in church minding my own business when the song leader approached me. “Nicki” he said. “I want you to sing tonight” I was shocked although he said my name I looked around me to see if there was another person named nicki behind me – they wasn’t. I looked at him – no really looked at him and laughed –I mean this dude can’t be serious  but he was. “I can’t sing” I said. “Oh stop it” he said and walked out. The service proceeded and I knew he wasn’t going to call me – I was wrong because he did. I went up adjusted the mic because I was a bit short and started singing. There were ten words on the first line of the song but by the time I sang the fifth word I had already hit fifteen different notes – I guess he didn’t need to be reminded of my un-singing ability because he never called me again and neither did anyone else.

So on a night like this – mother daughter banquet I cannot subject my mother to such horror now can I?

My second choice was much better than the first I was going to play a musical instrument only I wasn’t good at that either – In fact I possessed no musical qualities whatsoever so who was I kidding.

Eventually after thinking not so hard I had my eureka moment – I was going to write. I’m not that of a fantastic writer but what choice do I have I’m all out of options – I can’t sing – I can’t dance – I can’t play a musical instrument.

Anyhow Neil Gaiman made a speech in 2012 – he said- If you cannot do something pretend that you’re someone that can do it and go do that thing and that’s what I did I pretended to be someone that can write and I wrote a few words for you mom – in fact I wrote that piece about you on the 29th of October 2014… yes I remembered the date because I watched you as I wrote it. I was thinking about you then as I have every day of my life. I’ve never shared these words with you before but I guess it’s appropriate for the hour – don’t you think? You don’t have to like it but I hope you do.

Now that I’m about to read I’ll apply Neil’s words again and pretend to be someone of courage so that I can read what I wrote.

I look at my mother as she lay sleeping on the couch,

Too tired to move the seven feet difference from there to her room,

The steady rise and fall of her chest the only indication that she was still in the land of the living,

Something stirred within me,



A crushing blow of reality?

I need to focus,

It demands attention, that feeling.

The room is quiet as I turn off the television,

And stare,

I ran my eyes over her delicate frame,

And found myself assessing the woman that lay before me,

Her once slender body was now rounded in places that would

Make a model frown,

But she didn’t care,

And neither did I,

For that body was what carried me for nine months,

Her hair was matted against her cheek,

Loose tendril covering her pretty face,

And I wondered for a moment if she ever pulled my hair back the way I just  pulled hers,

Of course she did,

I stared at her closed eyes and silently wept,

Inside I dread the day when those eyes would never see again,

When no speech can be uttered,

When that nostril wouldn’t be enough to help her breathe,

When she wouldn’t remember her name,

When she wouldn’t remember me,

I wiped that lone tear on my cheek,

And touched hers,

Willing my mind to engrave her face on my heart,

I wanted my fingers to remember the feel of her skin,

For each second that passed was a second shorter from her life and mine,

How much time do we have left?





I took her hands in mine as she slept,

What once was soft was now rough,

I traced the patterns with my fingers,

Touched every scar, Kissed every bruise,

I squeezed the hands that once comforted me,

And pressed it against my lips,

And at twenty two I desired to curl into her lap

And wrap my arms around her,

To rest my head on her chest,

And listen to her words of wisdom,

To press quick short kisses on her cheeks,

And remind her how much I love her,

Despite our ups and downs,

That wonderful lady will always be my mother,

And I don’t ever want to lose her,

But one day one of us will go,

And I accept that,

But I refuse to leave without letting her know,

That she’s beautiful,

And wonderful,

And special,

And that I’m so proud of her,

And I Love her,

With tears rolling down my cheeks,

I wake her,

And as I wrap my arms around her she smiles,

I listen to the steady beating of her heart and whisper,

I love you Mom, Always have and Always will,

I’m sorry for hurting you but know that I love you.

With tears rolling down the cheeks of the both of us I sighed,

In contentment.

Thinking once again.

I love you mom if you don’t remember anything else,

Remember that I love you.



Success is laced with blood and sweat,

A point when reached begs no regrets,

Sleepless nights & endless days,

decorates our cards with Excellent Grades,

Numbness to the coffee that constantly floods our veins,

We tackle the problems without delays,

It doesn’t matter who bestows the praise,

Our focus will never faze,

To achieve is our mission,

To be the best is our goal,

We don’t settle for less,

We crave more,

forever trudging forward,

upward we go.

It’s been long – I’m sorry


It’s been so long since I’ve written on a virtual blank paper as this.

And to my followers do accept my humblest, deepest & sincerest apology.

I’ve been busy – working, school, writing – the whole works but there’s not a day that went by that I did not

think of you guys. The urge to write something, informative & encouraging to you nearly sent me crazy – it was that strong.

Believe it or not I couldn’t keep away, so I went out of my way to learn time management.

Yes! Yes! you heard right.

Time Management.

I’m not there yet but I’ll get there.

I’m writing here and there’s this stupid grin on my face.

Ever watched batman? Seen the joker?

Well that’s me now.

I think holly wood should hire me.

Don’t you?

I don’t know writing to you guys make me happy!!!

Extremely so – In a moment I’ll break out and do my happy dance.

I’m rambling and I guess I should quit now. right?


I just want to let you guys know that I’m


🙂 It’s good to be here again where my audience is like Family 🙂

Stay safe everyone….

Till death do us part

I’ve waited so long,

Now the time has come,

To say I do,

To the man I love,

As we stand here today,

To say our vows,

I hope my dear you’re not filled with doubts,

When we say I do this will be it,

I don’t expect you to break your promises,

In sickness and health,

Till death do us part,

My love you will always have my heart.

Love is – Excerpt from a piece I wrote


Excerpt from a piece I wrote :-

Sometime ago I’d learned that they’re some things in life that aren’t worth it.

The Constant failures in my life had taught me just that, and at this very moment, with such an important decision to make I needed the experience that those twenty two years of my life had taught me.

Because this was one of the rare moments I’d encountered something worth it.

It may not be important to others but it was to me.

In every decision, there’s a compromise and with every compromise there’s a sacrifice.

The question is “Am I willing to make that sacrifice”.

The answer was already engraved in my heart – “I am”.

I wish I could state though that I regret the decisions I’d made a few years ago –the one’s that have brought me to this cross road, but I can’t.

Love will do that to you.

Love will change you,

love would make you desire to become a better person,

love will push you beyond limits,

love know’s no boundaries,

love is universal,

love is pain,

love is hurt,

love is compromise and love is sacrifice.

Love is the reason I’m about to expose myself to another.

To another after God, that has captured my heart.

Something, Nothing & Everything about God


There is something about God or maybe nothing about God but Everything about God that has me in Awe.

My heart races whenever I think about God’s Love for me.

I get goose bumps from excitement,

The feeling is overwhelming,




Have you ever experienced something so special?

That there’s this bubbling in your stomach and

all you desire to do is scream and shout with sheer pleasure,


That’s the place I’ve gotten to in my life,

Whenever I think about his love, his mercies, his protection,


I’m speechless.

Words can’t describe how I feel about the “Almighty Father”.

Neither can it describe how “The Great I Am That I Am” feels about me and you.

The fact that this supernatural being of such Magnificence gave his life for a sinner like you and you is humbling –tears inducing even.

He’s prepared a place for all who has accepted his free gift of salvation.

Of Walls made of Jasper & Streets paved with Gold.

Call me crazy – I’ll be Crazy for Jesus.

Closer than a brother is what he is.

Better than a friend.

He’s Sweeter than the Honey and the Honey Comb.

Talk about Sweetness…..  😀

He is Jehovah,

The Rose of Sharon,

The Lily of the Valley,

The bright and Morning Star,

He is worthy to be praised.


There is something about God or maybe nothing about God but Everything about God that has me in Awe.

What we say to our children matters

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Lately I realized that I need to be extremely cautious as to what to say around and to children.

Children it seems are the parrot or photocopying machines in this world today.

They reproduce everything that has been taught or said.

And that’s good in the sense that through these little incidents of reproduction, we’d discovered the magnificence of the tiny grey organ hidden within our skull – brain.

Its ability to record immense information, rapidly, both direct and indirectly is phenomenal.

But what happens when whatever is said is filled with negativity, ridicule and insults.

What happens when we tell our kids that they’re stupid, dunce, or that they never will amount to something good?

What happens when it is said by the people that supposed to love and care about them?

What happens?

They simply reproduce it!

Reproduction here doesn’t mean the production of a baby, it means that, these kids most of the times believe what you say and eventually become what you say.

Have you noticed when a kid is called stupid that they eventually act silly?


When they’re told that they would never succeed that their grades start dropping, the interest in school etc. is often forgotten, and in their minds trying seems like a waste of time because to them it feels like they’ll never be good enough.

Some of them possess a self-esteem that is so low that even they don’t know it exist.

My older sister suffers from back injuries due to a fall during her childhood, she’s got so many complications that most often to not she’s in pain which results in her complaining a lot, now, my eight year old brother is a very healthy boy who’s very active, yet every now again he’ll get into a position that my sister does and complain of the exact complications that she does and In his mind he thinks that’s what he’s supposed to do.


that time he was complaining that he doesn’t drink sorrel juice because it doesn’t taste nice. I said to him, (pretending) this isn’t sorrel that’s wine. He drank all of it within a matter of seconds and asked for a second helping, adding with that order that it tasted good, was strong and was burning his chest.

This was supposed to be a joke but it made me think how effective words can be in the mind of small children.

We fail to realize that what we say, even the miniscule of things affect them, whether direct or indirectly.

We don’t plant corn trees expecting to get peas,

Whatever we put out is what we get,

Whatever is sown that’s what we shall reap.

In other words if we throw at our kids negative thinking,

They’ll execute negativity.

However if we instil the opposite in our kids,

The belief that they can make it,

That they’re smart,



We’ll raise a generation that we’ll make history,

A generation that will seek to do the impossible,

One’s that believe that they can change the world,

They’ll produce cures for Cancers and other chronic diseases.

That’s the power of speech to our little ones.

Instil in them the phrase “Yes you can”


Because whatever is said and done affects them,

Let’s be cautious as to what we say to our children.

Black People Does Not Exist

Loved this

The Impression I Get, I Give

Black People does not exist. Black People is not an organization. Black People has no leader. Black People has no agenda. Black People has no logo. Black People is not looking to increase its membership. Black People has no bank account. Black People has no buildings.

Black People does not hate White People. Black People does not believe in looting. Black People does not encourage lawlessness. Black People does not teach its young members to ignore policemen. Black People does not fear for its life.

Black People does not align itself with views held by Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, or Bill Cosby. Black People does not have a dress code. Black People does not believe the dream is deferred.

Black People is not responsible for Ferguson. Black People does not support Michael Brown’s family. Black People is not angry at Darren Wilson. Black People is not angry, period. That’s because there is no…

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